Guillaume Bouisset
For a long time, dealing with the invisible was the exclusive domain of priests and shamans, before they ceded this privilege to artists. Guillaume Bouisset summons this double heritage in a quest that he is neither the first nor the last to carry out, because it is essential: to give form to the beyond of the phenomenological, to represent what is behind what we perceive. . First through painting, when he was at the Beaux-Arts in Paris, with hypnotic representations of natural motifs (clouds, leaves, etc.), then, after an exchange in Brazil (2017) during which he produced a frontispiece for the Kaxinawa Indians innervated by shamanic thought, with more complex installations, summoning sacred architecture, that of temples or altars. An aesthetic of the threshold between two worlds, the tangible and the beyond, and their correspondences, where man is often represented in his impossible measure to the absolute. Guillaume Bouisset's work is thus articulated around recurring motifs: the mask, as a border between these two worlds, or the eye, as a symbol of this thirst for the absolute prevented by the limits of our senses. More than our two eyes, Guillaume Bouisset summons the third, and reconsiders the old dualisms of Western thought, those which have cut man off from the world, the subject against the object, being against nothingness, the singular against the universal, man against nature.
Clement Thibault
2003-2007 AKI/ArtEZ Enschede ( bachelor in fine art)
2001-2002 Academie Minerva, Groningen
Expositions Personnelles
2020 Gray contemporary Houston “Unsustainable” USA
2020 Gray contemporary Houston “Twenty one” a one day solo USA
2018 Kunst centrum Hengelo “In Studio”
2017 Gray contemporary “ transience)Houston USA
2014 “the Gallery” bedrijfs technologisch centrum Enschede NL (UT)
2013 Bornse synagoge "stille groei" NL
Invitations et curations
2016 Adviescommissie/bestuurs-functie, heartgallery Hengelo Overijssel
2015 Curator, SarT Enschede, Performance factory, groeps-tentoonstelling “tentoonstelling”
2013 Curator, AIR Kolderveen artist in residence“multiple artist in residence”.
Expositions Collectives
2021 Concordia Enschede “artists in the world” NL
2021 ACEC Apeldoorn & Kunstgemaal Brockhorst “ Hoe = het nu 2021 NL
2021 Stephane Simoens contemporary fine art Knokke Belgie
2021 Jan van Hoof Galerie 's-hertogenbosch “Tweedonker” met Hieke Luik en Remco Dikken NL
2020 P60 Assen “geen titel” NL
2020 Stephane Simoens contemporary fine art Knokke “Great Small Works” Belgie
2019 Waterstaatskerk Hengelo NL
2019 Jacko Brinkman presenteert “tentoonstelling” Amsterdam met Hinke Schreuders en Remco Dikken NL
2019 Gray contemporary Houston USA
2018 Gray contemporary Houston USA
2018 De Ketelfactory Schiedam “the eye is the Centre/ Magnify Me” NL
2017 Gray Contemporary “Combined” Houston USA
2016 TAC Eindhoven “DARK MATTERS” 20 november t/m 18 december 2016 NL
2016 Concordia Enschede "MATERIAL MATTERS" 11 juni t/m 14 augustus 2016 NL
2016 Cloud Gallery Amsterdam, "Art for Refugees", NL
2015 Rijks museum Twenthe NL
2015 TETEM Enschede “Art Overijssel” NL
2015 SarT Enschede Performance factory “tentoonstelling” NL
2014 Oranjerie Landgoed Twickel “met andere ogen” NL
2014 Waterschapshuis Coevorden NL
2013 AiR KiK Kolderveen (multiple artist in residence curated by me and Remco Dikken) NL
2013 Schau fenster Berlijn Duitsland"schau fenster schau" D
2013 Indigo hof 88 Almelo NL
2012 Young and Refined, Gallery de Compagnie, Dordrecht, NL
2011 AkkuH, Hengelo, NL
2011 Kunstingang, “made in silence Ter Apelkanaal NL
2010 Kunststichting de Werkplaats Borne NL
2010 Dynamo Expo, Enschede NL
2009 Kunstenlab, Deventer NL
2008 Creatieve Fabriek, Hengelo “ROUM”
2008 Ateliers 93, Hengelo “Artloop NL
2007 Final Exhibition, AKI/ArtEZ Academy of Fine Art, Enschede NL (g)
2007 Gallery de Compagnie, Dordrecht, “On The Threshold” NL (g)